
 The Stuck Truck Illustration of Terms To assist ELD (English Language Development) students with new vocabulary terms used in this book, especially technical terms, please use the  The Stuck Truck - Illustrated Glossary of Terms  file linked from the page. In this file, students will be able to view images for the terms to gain a better understanding of what is happening in the story.

Footnotes for technical or advanced vocabulary

This book can be used in an academic setting, as it has footnotes for technical and advanced vocabulary words (196) at the bottom of each page. Here are a couple of examples: “Twenty-seven. Thanks,” Sal answered with a sigh and a little grimace( 6). “I was drivin’ another load last night ‘fore I got here.” He was wearing a green plaid( 7) flannel shirt and blue jeans. __________________ 6 grimace is a facial expression a person might make when in a little pain, or when frustrated  7 plaid is a checkerboard pattern used mostly on shirts